Chinese Medicine

With only 4 acupuncture treatments, I saw a tremendous improvement in my bronchial asthma that has been bothering me for years, my period improved after a year and my cholesterol dropped to normal levels. Efthymios, thank you again.

Alexandra A.

What is Chinese Medicine?

Traditional Chinese medicine has a history of thousands of years and has changed little over the centuries. Its basic idea is that a vital force, called Qi, permeates the body. Any imbalance in Qi can cause dysfunctions and diseases.

The duality that exists everywhere in nature and man, is symbolically explained by the ancient Chinese with the image of a mountain. The side that is in shade was called yin, while the side that receives the sun’s rays, is yang. These two forces and actions are considered opposite in the West, while Chinese Medicine focuses on the relationship they have with each other, as interrelated, interdependent, and complementary since one is necessary for the existence of the other and the general balance.

The ancient Chinese believed that humans are a microcosm of the wider environment of the universe, are intertwined with nature, and are subject to its powers. The balance between health and disease is a basic concept. Treatment using  Traditional Chinese Medicine seeks to restore this balance through specially adapted therapy for the individual. It is believed that to regain balance, the balance between the internal organs of the body and the external elements of Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal must be achieved

Treatment to restore balance may include:


(Acupuncture is part of traditional Chinese medicine commonly found in Eastern medicine and has received the largest study of all alternative therapies.)


(moxa therapy: burning of the plant Artemisia, in specific acupuncture points or channels)

Suction cups

(Use of containers made of glass, plastic or silicone to create suction in certain parts of the body)


Chinese Massage


Abrasive Technique


Chinese healing herbs

Qi Gong

Movement and concentration exercises

The 8 principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine

The diagnosis of each disease/syndrome, in Traditional Chinese Medicine, is based on the symptoms and signs manifested by the person. There are 8 principles by which the therapist will reach the correct diagnosis, evaluating the symptoms to help the patient restore their balance.

The Yin and Yang actions are two of the eight principles for the assessment of imbalances. The other six principles are symbiotically opposed.

These are:




After discussing with the patient, the therapist will take their pulse and examine their tongue in order to diagnose the energy state in which the 12 internal organs are and identify the main issue that needs treatment.